Your independent IoT solution, freer, more economical.

With an experience of more than 30 years in the field of GTB and GTC.

You work in transport, service station equipment, machine tools, health and safety. All its sectors approach the IOT with different skills. We can adapt to your business and provide you with the training, software and/or hardware solutions you have or need.

The power of a proven and standardized protocol as well as interoperability with its ecosystem of more than 150 million products already deployed.
3 types of platform are available:
– Cortex M4, on FreeRTOS wired link
– Ethernet + FreeRTOS
– Linux over Ethernet
The most economical IP solution on the market, consumes 6 times less than the solution on Ethernet/IP

Our Solution

SafeSquare and Occitaline collaborated to design their own platform board for the development of IoT devices for LON systems and BACnet. This platform, called babi-lon, offers a first second source for LON-based systems in free topology TP/FT10 and therefore independence from aliqua manufacturers.

Our Services

Our team of professionals will listen to your projects to offer you adapted services. Personalized support at the start of your project will allow you to get to grips with the Babi-LON tool more easily. Additional training is also possible.

SafeSquare offers reliable and safe solutions for networked automation and related engineering services. In the field of room automation, SafeSquare provides the market with complete solutions for areas such as lighting, blinds, room thermal comfort and fire protection. More at and

OCCITALINE is a manufacturer of innovative infrastructure products used in GTB. We have a real knowledge of GTB protocols and a long experience in the field with the support of manufacturers and integrators. Our range of products is designed, manufactured and maintained in France. We also offer a large number of training courses on Lon, BACnet, LoRa, IzoT and IP in the cybersecurity approach to GTB protocols.

Future event

Give meaning to territorial innovation

Paris, Espace Champerret
September 20 & 21, 2022

The focus will be on smart and connected solutions,
future technologies and current design trends.

Messe – Frankfurt Allemagne
From October 2 to 6, 2022

12th edition of the smart and connected building fair

Paris Porte de Versailles – Pavillon 5.1
November 8 & 9, 2022