Why use Babi-LON ?

The first alternative software solution, more economical and cleaner

Babi-LON is the most economical IP solution on the market: communication on twisted pair media consumes 2 to 6 times less than the solution on Ethernet/IP.

Babi-LON can be used by any manufacturer, for this Occitaline and Safesquare provide flexible licensing models and support services, such as user and programming training.

Babi-LON supports IP communication over 2 wires (twisted pair) and thus allows the deployment of much more sober architectures by avoiding the addition of gateways and additional cables that are absolutely required in any Full IP or multiprotocol architecture, which makes it possible to reduce development and implementation engineering costs.

Babi-LON is compatible with several manufacturers of ARM processors, several powers or memory sizes to best adapt to a specific project.

Occitaline and Safesquare develop your automation product for you and with you.

BabiLon allows with a single platform to manage the main communication protocols.

Distributed architecture must be the basis of any renovation or new building construction, and Babi-LON allows you to simultaneously use the different protocols necessary for your installations.