What is IoT and IzoT ?

Seamless communication between people, processes and objects.

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical terminals, “objects”, which integrate sensors, software and other technologies in order to connect to other terminals and systems on the Internet and to exchange data with them.

Over the past few years, the IoT has become one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. Now that we can connect everyday objects (household appliances, cars, thermostats, intercoms) to the Internet through integrated terminals, seamless communications are possible between people, processes and objects.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IzoT) is a new generation of components that combines LonWorks® and BACnetTM/IP protocols on the same medium. This technology allows products to communicate simultaneously in LonWorks® and BACnet-IP using specific routers, including the Octopus models from Occitaline.