Description and particularities of the different protocols

To help you in choosing the protocol to select, thought about the 3P rule. Project, Product, Protocol

All major standardized communication protocols have been around since 1990. Protocols have “wired”, “wireless” and “Ethernet/IP” solutions

3 protocols are standardized:

  • BACnet (ISO 16484-5)
  • KNX (ISO 14543-3)
  • LonWorks (ISO 14908-1)

It is customary to associate protocols with applications/businesses, Bacnet is oriented towards buildings, KNX for residential purposes, as for LonWorks, it makes it possible to manage all businesses/applications.

Small reminder of the OSI model:

Protocols and their media, what consumption ?

The use of suitable communication media, made possible by the use of the right protocols, makes it possible to reduce consumption by 1.7 to 5.7 times.

What do the different protocols allow?

Contrary to popular belief, Bacnet does not allow interaction between different equipment, Babi-LON makes this interaction possible.

LonWorks is usually associated with Echelon Neuron Chips, Babi-LON uses standard components such as Cortex M4.